Regulations 學員須知 (English Version Available on request)
- 學員須留意上課日期及課堂的有效日期 [注意: 有效日期是計上課日期,不是報名日期]
- 如欲將已過期的堂票延期使用,須於堂票到期日期開始起七日內購買新一期堂票 [注意: 若購買5張新堂票,只可延續5張舊堂票,並須於新期票限期內完成所有課程]
- 如要請病假,須遞交課堂當日的醫生證明,方可獲得補課
- 如因其他原因缺席而要求補課,須於該課堂的一星期前通知本公司,否則將不獲補課
- 所有優惠課程、培訓班、排演班都不設補課
- 本公司不設退款,不接受後補差額加堂,學員須為自己的決定負責
- 7. 每班最少6人開班。如學員於報名時該班是組班中,學員須明白該班可能要改期或開不成,學員或需要轉到另一時段或另一班上課。課堂一經確定,一律不可轉班。
- 所有 堂票/任上/會員證 只供單一學員使用,不得轉讓
本公司只接受以Payme、銀聯、Paypal、Alipay支付寶、 八達通或銀行轉賬付款
- 在特殊情況下,本公司有權更換導師/課堂時間而不作個別通知
- 本校如因外在因素 (惡劣天氣、疫症等) 而取消課堂,課堂可順延,但不設退款
- 學員如在場內受傷或遺失/損毀個人財物,本公司不須負任何法律責任
- 本公司的設施如遭損毀,當事人須作相應賠償
- 本校有權使用課堂內拍攝的影像及相片。
- 八號或以上颱風信號/黑色暴雨警告生效前三小時開始,所有課堂取消,學員須預約補課
- 八號或以上颱風信號/黑色暴雨警告除下兩小時後,所有課堂恢復運作
Friends Junction Dance Co
- 請在上課前最少一星期預約時間.
- 每次須預約最少五堂.
- 如需更改預約時間,請於最少一星期前通知本Studio,不足一星期通知當日課堂自動取消.如單對單課堂的學生是因病假,而能夠出示醫生紙,請於最少上課3小時前通知本Studio則可安排補課.
- 每期只可轉一次時間
- 五堂私人班的有效期為五星期;十堂私人班的有效期為十星期,如此類推.
- 五堂學一首歌,不得隨意更改.
What types of dance classes do you offer?
- We offer a wide range of dance classes including K-pop, jazz dance, hip-hop, contemporary, and Street Dance.
What age groups do you cater to?
- We cater to all age groups, from 3-6, 7-11, 12-17, university students or adults. Our classes are tailored to specific age ranges and skill levels.
What is the duration of each dance class?
- The duration of each dance class varies depending on the age group and dance style. Typically, classes range from 1 hour to 1.5 hour.
How much do your dance classes cost?
- Our dance class prices vary depending on the length of the class and the level of instruction. Please click “contact us” directly for detailed pricing information.
Do I need any prior dance experience to join your classes?
- No prior dance experience is necessary. We have classes suitable for beginners as well as those with previous dance training.
Can I join in the middle of a session or do I have to wait for a new session to start?
- You can join our classes at any time during the session. We offer rolling enrollment, allowing students to join throughout the year.
How do I register for a dance class?
- To register for a dance class, click the below “Register” button. We will guide you through the registration process.
What should I wear and bring to the dance class?
- Students should wear comfortable sports clothing and sneakers.
Do you offer trial classes?
- No, we do not offer trial classes for new students.
You can watch our FJDANCE VIDEOS before joining
What is your refund policy if I am unable to continue with the dance classes?
- No refund will be provided for the classes.
Are there any performance opportunities for students?
- Yes, we provide performance opportunities for our students. Please contact us for more details.
Will my child have the opportunity to participate in competitions?
- Yes, we offer competition opportunities for students who are interested in taking their dance skills to the next level. Please contact us for more information.
Are there any age restrictions for participating in performances or competitions?
- Age restrictions for performances and competitions vary depending on the event and the specific requirements. We provide opportunities for various age groups. Please contact us for more details.
Can parents observe the dance classes?
- Yes, parents are welcome to observe the dance classes.
What qualifications and experience do your dance instructors have?
- Our dance instructors are highly qualified and experienced professionals. They have extensive training in their respective dance styles and are passionate about teaching.
Do you offer private dance lessons?
- Yes, we offer private dance lessons for students who prefer one-on-one instruction or private groups with specific goals they want to focus on.
Are there any additional costs associated with performances or competitions?
- Yes, additional costs such as costumes, extra rehearsal fee, entry fees, and travel expenses may be associated with performances or competitions. Please contact us for more details
What is the student-to-teacher ratio in your dance classes?
- Our dance classes maintain a small student-to-teacher ratio, ensuring personalized attention and a conducive learning environment.
Whatis the contact method?
You can whatsapp us via 56860391or email us at
What are your addresses?
地址1 (太子總校):
地址2 (觀塘):
地址3 (北角):
地址4 (屯門):